Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Picture Journal: July 25, 2011 (The 2011 Comic-Con Special)

All the important details in six panels. Here are some photos. I forgot to take pictures of the actual con.

Phil's Barbecue.

As mentioned, Adventure Time dominated. Dance party downtown and branding of a pizza company.

Comedy Central had a small section of Fourth for a South Park tribute.

 My swag.

A print by Hikari Shimoda (which I bought from a gallery off-site.)

Limited edition print by Sho Murase.

Junko Mizuno print and sketch.

Batgirl original art.

Francis Manapul sketch of Wonder Woman.

My most favoritest thing I picked up: A Kuro customized by Camilla D'Errico.

I got other sketches and books I didn't show. There's also some free swag if anybody wants some (screen-printed Sonic print, inflatable Mass Effect Omni Blades, Team Fortress 2 weapon and some bags) Good con fo' sho'.